Our insurer partner Zurich has put together a checklist of risk control measures to consider to help secure buildings and to use as a reference point for regular checks during temporary closedown periods:

  • Waste: Remove all external waste, pallets and empty skips ahead of closing.
  • Waste bins: Empty all waste bins and relocate to a secure area, ideally at least 10 metres from the building. If this is not possible and bins and skips are within 10m, these should have lockable lids.
  • Fire Systems: Ensure that any fire and/or sprinkler systems are fully operational
  • Fire Doors: Carry out a check to ensure that internal fire doors are closed
  • Building Utilities: Shutdown any non-essential electrical devices and building utilities
  • Inspections: Arrange for a weekly inspection of the building (internally and externally) – please remember to risk assess for any lone working issues. Please ensure that you comply with existing government guidance regarding vulnerable people and lone worker risk assessments. Consider the provisioning for alternative skilled personnel.
  • Physical Security: Carry out a check to ensure physical security measures are in place e.g. fences are in good repair, windows are locked, shutters are in place, gates are locked.
  • Intruder Alarm: Make sure your intruder alarm is set and that the remote signaling is in place. Ensure sufficient numbers of keyholders are available to respond to an alarm activation within 20 minutes.
  • Maintenance: so far as is reasonably practical, there is an expectation that essential maintenance continues with any remedial measures completed. Premises that have Building Management Systems (BMS) with remote alerts should continue to be responded to.