It can be hard to switch off after a stressful day of work, especially at a director or officer level.

Losing sleep at night contemplating all the decisions you made that day and how they will affect others. And it’s no surprise really. The laws your company operates in are constantly changing and as a company director or officer you have unlimited liability. Even if someone makes unfounded allegations against you, you’ll have to defend them – costing you time and money.

Management liability is the name given to a suite of complementary covers designed to give you legal protection if you’re accused of a wrongful act. This could be from something you’ve done or a decision you’ve made while doing your job. It covers directors, officers and the company itself.

There are three parts to this group of covers:

  • Directors and officers liability (core cover)
  • Employment practices liability (optional)
  • Corporate legal liability (optional)

When it comes to management liability claims, we can offer specialist levels of protection through our insurer partners.

If you’d like to find out how management liability cover can help to take some of your stress away please contact us.